Fintech: Friend Not Foe to Community Bankers

Fintech: Friend Not Foe to Community Bankers

It’s time to reframe what Fintech means for your community bank.

Introduction: The Relationship to Fintech

There’s no denying that rapid technological advancements and the larger institutions that can most afford to buy into it have proved challenging for banks with smaller-scale, community-centered goals. But what if we can turn that on its head?  

The concept of shifting from “surviving to thriving” might seem cliché, but in this case, it’s exactly what can happen when community banks stop fearing Fintech and start leveraging it—not for the benefit of money-motivated giants in finance, but for the benefit of who they’ve set out to serve all along: their very own community, in all its changes and advancements.

What Fintech Can Mean for Your Community Bank Today

Quality customer service and relationships have long been the key differentiator for community banks, while the “big fish” enterprise banks have historically had the leg-up in technological capability.

Today, however, Fintech partnerships represent an opportunity for community bankers to close that gap, bringing a fuller suite of financial services to customers (and with it, a greater competitive advantage).

So why are some still hesitant to take that leap?

Why the Wait, and How to Move Forward with Confidence

Where cost is concerned, it’s important to consider that every layer and connection means greater spending for your bank when negotiating with a Fintech. But that’s just the thing—it doesn’t take an excess of layers and contracts to make Fintech work for your bank.

When costly elements like middleware are made unnecessary and eliminated, your time and money aren’t wasted on unnecessary points of potential failure. Instead, it’s allocated to a defined, measured, and accountable approach to BaaS that optimizes your bank’s existing infrastructure.

Joe Warner, Fintech Sales Manager, speaks to DCI’s approach to BaaS, saying “Selecting a partner that is agile and forward-thinking in the future of banking is crucial. With DCI's consultative approach, we harness our existing technology and open architecture to empower community banks, removing unnecessary third parties like middleware providers. This ensures greater control and income for the bank. We're not just on the path to providing this; we're already delivering it today."

Conclusion: Communities Evolve, Offerings Adapt, and Strong Partnerships are Key

Until now, community bankers’ relationship with Fintech has understandably sparked a level of uncertainty and concern.

Sure, financial technology and the highly commoditized products that stem from it have changed the banking industry at unprecedented rates. But as our systems and industries evolve, our communities certainly do too, and it's up to the bankers serving them to adapt at a level that continues to meet their changing needs.

As agile and responsive as your bank must be for its customer base, the same standard of agility and responsivity should be applied to the providers you count on, too. Whether a partnership with a Fintech or the core provider you may seek them through, don’t settle for a state of limitation or fear.

Great partnerships bring great connections, and great connections, as community bankers know best, are everything.

“DCI by far has been the easiest partner to talk about the contract. No one really accepts all your red lines or agrees to bend a little bit for you. It was the easiest negotiation I’ve had.” 

Chris Davis



Mathur, R., Williams, J., Ensor, B., & Moody, K. (2023, April 21). How do community banks stay relevant in 2023? [audio blog]. Retrieved from 

Thompsett, L. (2023, October 5). Community Banking: A Growing Alternative [web log]. Retrieved from