Direct to Bank Fintech with DCI

Direct to Bank Fintech with DCI


Introduction: Fintech Partnerships for Community Bankers


Not all core processors are created equal—especially when it comes to Fintech. 

In today’s landscape, community bankers witness firsthand how the right (or wrong) Fintech partnerships can impact an institution’s growth and operations. We see partners with old school cores lacking the modern tech stack necessary to thrive, or third-party vendors with fresh-off-the-market technologies putting banks at regulatory risk. 

So, how do today’s community bankers know which way is up in Fintech? 

Keeping track of the changing jargon and preferential providers can be a headache, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s time to clear up today’s industry buzzwords, what they mean for bankers, and how DCI plays into it all.


Decoding Today’s Fintech Jargon


Consider our breakdown of today’s top players and approaches:

  • Core processor: A bank's digital engine, the technology provider powering all financial moves.
  • Legacy core: An old-school core processor whose tech slows innovation–the engine showing its age.
  • Fintech: The architects of next-gen banking through innovative tech.
  • Middleware: The gatekeeper of your bank’s data; a greedy middleman causing friction between core systems and new technology.
  • Direct to bank: Digital Fintech solutions provided straight to banks, enhancing efficiency and innovation without intermediaries. 

Curious where DCI stands? We’ll tell you.


DCI: The experienced AND agile core processor keeping the banks in control with direct to bank Fintech solutions. (So, not a legacy core–just a core with a great legacy). 


Why is This Important? Capabilities and Compliance


Why should you care about these distinctions? Because the difference lies in your bank’s future. 

There are two major takeaways from the current Fintech landscape: agility and a cutting-edge tech stack are essential while staying compliant is non-negotiable. Between legacy cores and middlewares, one succeeds where the other falls short—but settling for either isn’t an option. 

Fines and penalties for banks facing consent orders and compliance issues prove steep, and all because middlewares put investors before bankers and market speed before compliance. But venturing into Fintech with a third-party vendor for the sake of capability should NOT come at the cost of a bank’s compliance, data, and control. 

By opting for direct to bank Fintech, or Fintech that integrates directly into an agile core system, community bankers can sidestep regulatory nightmares and streamline operations by doing what they do best: just banking.


Direct to Bank Fintech with DCI: It’s Just Banking


Here’s where we come in—encouraging community bankers to bank differently. 

Fintech with DCI isn’t about changing your bank’s culture or values, it’s about changing the way you bank in order to best serve today’s customers and your institution’s competitive edge. 

DCI supports and encourages a direct connect model between the Fintech and their sponsor bank. Using RESTful APIs that connect directly into the bank’s database, we provide all the security necessary to ensure the Fintech gets what they need while the bank maintains control of the data and information shared.

Tanna Faulkner, Senior Vice President of Sales and Digital Channels at DCI, explains:

The BaaS world has shifted in the last year—it’s a new world of expectations for bankers, Fintechs, and regulators to adapt to. DCI is about helping our customers continue to do the banking we all know how to do while maintaining control over their customer and transaction data in Fintech partnerships. Our direct to bank, one-contract promise keeps banks in the driver's seat while saving Fintechs unnecessary integration costs—everybody wins.

No more dealing with clunky legacy systems or compliance chaos–our approach means you can grow your bank through a partnership that prioritizes your community with innovative offerings, compliant advancement, and trusting customer relationships. 

All you need to do? Just keep banking. Whether you’re a traditional or sidecore partnership with us, the recipe for your growth is to simply maintain your core operations. We’ll provide the next level tech to enhance them. 

So, don’t receive consent orders–receive congratulations!

Watch how Ponce Bank is banking differently with DCI.




For community banks ready to make their mark in Fintech, it’s not about keeping up–it’s about leading the way with your bank in the driver’s seat of its growth. 

As such, understanding the different partnerships and approaches available to you is vital. Through informed decision-making, you can invest in the future success you’ve earned.

So, embrace the right tools and technologies without fear of regulatory repercussions–opt for direct to bank Fintech with DCI. Your bank, your community, and the FEIC will thank you. 


