DCI Customers and Exec Featured in BankBeat Article

HUTCHINSON, KAN., February 19, 2020 – Data Center Inc. (DCI), the privately-owned developer of iCore360® core banking software and related omnichannel technologies, was recently featured in a BankBeat article on core-bank relationships.

Quoted in the article were DCI executive vice president Sarah Fankhauser and DCI clients Trey Maust, executive vice chairman of Lewis and Clark Bank in Oregon City, OR., and Bruce Tellefson, president of Valley Premier Bank in Hawley, MN.

The article compares small and larger core processors and the pros and cons each bring to their banking relationships.

According to the article, DCI is gaining ground in the industry, precisely because it is a smaller processor. Owned by group of its bank clients, DCI is geared toward community banks. “Our differenitator is we take care of our customers,” Fankhauser said. “All senior executive management are available anytime for phone calls. Customers get a say in development.”

Tellefson added, “We feel valued by DCI. It’s nice to work with a core provider that understands where we’re coming from, too.”

The article concludes with advice to community banks to hire consultants when negotiating core contracts. They add that while the need to switch processors can be risky and costly, the cost of staying with a non-supportive processor can be just as high.

The full article can be read here or at www.bankbeat.biz.